Life as a feelings feeling human.

"I'm an empath" a narcissist.

I've reached the last year of my twenties and it's been a hell of an emotional journey.  I don't even mean my life has been monumentous but I've learned that knowing who you are and accepting who you are can be tough task.

Growing up my parents (despite being endlessly loving and supportive) had to shake their heads and tell me to "stop crying" on a daily basis.  I was born on a Wednesday and the old rhyme that stated that "Wednesday's child was full of woe" was right on the mark with me.  I felt things hard, even if my life wasn't any more tragic and unfair - it felt it.  All the time.

Twenty nine years later and usually I'm the one rolling my eyes trying to make myself feel less.  It’s frustrating, embarrassing and inconvenient when you just need to get on with life.

With age comes acceptance and I now try to embrace my heightened emotions.  One of which is to write! “Creativity takes courage”

The purpose of this blog is dumping ground for my thoughts, MANY feelings, creative project photos, travel stories, main life events etc.

I’m aware this may be of no interest to anybody except those who love me and future me who will enjoy this as a kind of scrapbook of emotions.  That’s okay with me.

TLDR; I have feelings, I’ma put them there.

All my feelings,


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